Hello everybody!
I read an enormous amount. And so many times I read a book and while I’m reading it I’m sitting here thinking, “This is so key! I wish everyone could know this! I wish I could talk to other people about this! Because it has vast and sincere implications!!”
So when Sharna Fabiano suggested that book reviews might be part of the O2 blog, I was like: yeah! I hope this will inspire some of the people around me to read these amazing thoughts in these amazing books and get inspired and we’ll talk about it and there will be so much insight and upliftment and who knows what will happen from there!
So the theme of my book review series is: “Great Books By Great Thinkers on Creativity, Consciousness, and Education, and How They Relate to Teaching and Learning Improvised Argentine Tango."
For me exploring Tango - deeply and hardcorely - is one aspect of a broader exploration on connectedness in my life, off the dance floor. Connectedness to myself, connectednesss to others, and connectedness to the something beyond - something which IS me, and IS others, is all of us. And so many brilliant people out there have cared so much about this area of connectedness through the lens of different domains and I have learned so much by reading what they said about it.
Some of those writers are visionary artist-improvisers, who really have explored how fine-grained collaborative creativity can come to being through human interaction.
Some of them are visionary teachers who really care about connecting with students and enabling their total blossoming.
Some of them are community designers who know that community is more than just a bunch of humans being in the same place at the same time doing the same thing, even.
Some of these people are meditation teachers or spiritually developed people, who have explored the invigorating layers of finding connection with the divine or basic goodness within.
I think all of them have something to contribute to our process of growing as Tango dancers and as human beings, which seem to unfold in parallel and reinforce each other beautifully. It is a gorgeous journey and luckily these amazing souls have paved some of the way for us. I hope you enjoy their writing, and if you read the books and they click with you please write me and let me know! And here...is the first review!
Love, Mitra