How To Give Feedback To Another Student

by Brigitta Winkler, Oxygen Guest Faculty

To give feedback is difficult. And, good feedback is one of the best sources for successful learning.

Student-to-student feedback does not judge right or wrong. Nor do we deal with guilt. Poorly or badly given feedback can not only slow down but sometimes it shuts down a learning process all together...or leads into other scenes. Feedback should be never forced on a person who is not open for it.

Feedback is simply a message that informs you how your behavior is received by others. In movement and dance this means usually: "how does it feel?" In partner dance, we use feedback to improve the experience in the given relationship -- because, it can be completely different with someone else.

Here are helpful questions to explore with your partner as a door-way into feedback:

• What helps to achieve what we want ?

• Is it comfortable ?

• What do I miss ?

• Where am I surprised ?

• What do I need, to feel better ?


on 2014-01-16 20:17 by Oxygen Tango

For three decades, Brigitta Winkler has galvanized the Tango Renaissance. Her work with legendary  Virulazo, Copes, Todaro, Avellaneda, Naveira, and Arquimbau, combined with her oceanic knowledge of the human mind and body through Body Mind Centering, make her a unique and extraordinarily profound teacher who is able to access each unique individual's specal gifts. Brigitta’s influence has profoundly penetrated the current generation of young teachers we are all fans of. A strong, expressive and authentic dancer, Brigitta commands the respect of the leaders and followers all over the world.


Brigitta Winkler

For three decades, Brigitta Winkler has galvanized the Tango Renaissance. Her work with legendary Virulazo, Copes, Todaro, Avellaneda, Naveira, and Arquimbau, combined with her oceanic knowledge of the human mind and body through Body Mind Centering, make her a unique and extraordinarily profound teacher who is able to access each unique individual's special gifts. Brigitta’s influence has profoundly penetrated the current generation of young teachers we are all fans of. A strong, expressive and authentic dancer, Brigitta commands the respect of the leaders and followers all over the world.