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Special One Night Intermediate Workshop with Ezgi Turmuş + Practica

  • Oxygen Tango 713 East Hyde Park Boulevard Inglewood, CA, 90302 United States (map)

We are so stoked to welcome Ezgi Turmuş to guest teach the intermediate class at Oxygen Tango.

Ezgi will teach a 75 minute class on combinations and technique for rhythmic music. We’ll have a practica from 9:30-11pm following the class. During the practica, Ezgi is available for a very limited number of 15 minute mini private lessons for $30 each. Please Venmo oxygen-tango with “Ezgi lesson” to reserve. PRIVATE MINI-LESSONS ARE SOLD OUT! BUT CLASS REGISTRATION STILL AVAILBE

While the material will be taught at an intermediate level, beginners are encouraged to come and will benefit from the class. Everyone is required to have a partner; there are usually a few students looking, so reach out to if you’d like to be paired up.

Workshop + practica $30

Oxygen members $20

Venmo oxygen-tango or click this link to reserve your spot with a credit card.


Ezgi Turmuş started her tango journey at the Istanbul University Dance Club more than 20 years ago. She was interested in both roles from the day she started tango, and studied with various teachers in Istanbul and Buenos Aires.

In 2009, Ezgi founded TangoSam, a vibrant and inclusive tango community in her hometown Samsun, where she started teaching and organizing Mar Negro Open Role Tango Marathon.

She has honed her skills as a teacher and performer for more than a decade, and is now themost highly sought after dual role dancer internationally. She has been invited to teach andperform at many organizations, festivals and events across Europe, Asia and most recently theUnited States. Some of Ezgi's most memorable dual role performances have been withwell-known Argentine dancers Ariadna Naivera and Corina Herrera.

In 2017, she competed in Istanbul Mundial de Baile and came in 8th place as a leader in the finals.